Research Interest
HCI (Human Computer Interaction)
HRI (Human Robot Interaction)
Generative Design (Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning)
Cloud Native Application (MSA Architecture)
Big Data Engineering (Hadoop Ecosystem)
Title: AI based Task-Oriented Design
(Digital Media Lab., Yonsei University, 2023.1 – present)
Task-oriented Design based technology and application
Reinforcement Learning
Data Driven Design for Product Design (Bottle, Cup...)
Title: GAN (Generative Adversarial Network)
(Digital Media Lab., Yonsei University, 2021.3 – 2022.5)
A Study on the application and impact of GAN in the design field
Classification of GAN models applicable to the design field
Building GAN Model system (used in the design field)
Title: Panic UX
(Digital Media Lab., Yonsei University, 2021.2 – 2022.12)
Design for changing people’s behavior in Emergency Situations
Behavior Change Model (Nudge / FBM Model / Hooked )
Decision Making using Dual Theory (System 1, 2)
Title: Concept Drift Detection Algorithm
(Database Lab., Yonsei University, 2016.3 – 2018.1)
Algorithm development for Data Concept Change Detection
Streaming Data Modeling (Sliding Window)
Approximate Database (Exponential Histogram)
Concept Drift Statistical Model (Kullback-Leibler Divergence)​